Terms Of Service


The information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading information provided may result in disqualification from the tutor hiring process. I authorize the school to verify any information provided on this form, and I release the school from any liability arising from such verification.

Terms of Service:

By submitting this application form, I acknowledge and agree to the following terms of service:

Application to the school is subject to availability of space, academic eligibility, and adherence to school policies and procedures.

The school reserves the right to deny application to any applicant based on academic performance, behavior, or other relevant factors.

All fees and charges are non-refundable, and payment is due in accordance with the school’s fee schedule.

The school may require additional documentation or information to complete the admissions process.

The school reserves the right to make changes to its policies, procedures, and curriculum without prior notice.

The school may use photographs, videos, or other media featuring students for promotional or educational purposes.

The school will maintain the confidentiality of all information provided on this form in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The school assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property or for any personal injury or illness that may occur while on school premises or during school-sponsored activities.